Customers can choose delivery methods after placing orders. The products will be delivered to you by the company delivery services or private shipping companies (depending on the area of delivery). Moreover, customers can choose to pick up the products themselves at SYNOVA with an arrangement.

1. Delivery by the company services (any types of products)

Suitable for all business sizes that need a variety or a great quantity of products whether ambient or frozen. The products will be delivered via the company’s temperature controlled vehicle with GPS tracking system. Our staff will contact the customer for appointment in advance prior to delivery in order to ensure customer’s convenience as frozen products will be required to be put into appropriate temperature immediately upon receiving.

Free Delivery! (Company's Routes and Timetables)
  • For Bangkok Metropolitan Region, when shopping on orders worth over 2,200 baht
Routes & Timetables and Delivery Charge Details
Orders less than minimum value will be subject to an additional delivery fee.
* For customers in province area, please check ‘Routes & Timetables and Delivery Charge’ or contact customer service for more details.

2. Delivery by private shipping companies (both ambient and frozen)

Covering many provinces. Customers will be informed by the company staff the name of the private shpper that will be delivering the products as well as the delivery charge calculated from the numbers of foam containers used.

  • Frozen products require additional 250 THB per one foam container for the container and dry ice

Terms and conditions

  • The guarantee is not applied if the problems to the products occur. Customers need to submit claims to the private shipping companies directly.
  • In case that the products are not received/lost, please bring the receipt to claim with the private shipping company within 7 days. After that, the private shipping company may disclaim responsibility
  • There is a risk that the products and the packages could be damaged due to the delivery of private shippers that is beyond our control.
  • All fragile products such as bottle are excluded from the private shipping company's responsibility

3. Pick up by yourself

Customers can choose to pick up the products at SํYNOVA on the date and time informed in the email.